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Posted by SirHornsPosted by CluelessCancerPosted by MoonArtist
I don't poke or prod, people just open up and spill the goods. ~shrugs~
Another very true statement, people seem to love to tell me everything, wtf, but the one's i do want to share, never share.
I'm gonna say the power of your boobs make them feel safe enough to do that.click to expand
Posted by tiki33
Why should change and suddenly stop being a jerk when you've stuck around and stuck it out all the while he's being a jerk and you're still there giving him your all. No incentive to change when he can dole out the cheating and the lying and dropping you for another woman and you'll still be there.
Posted by DMV
Yes, sag men do know what they want. Better than any other sign imo. He has chosen you to play a certain role in his life.
if you dont like the role, kick him to the curb. When your sick and tired lf being sick and tired, youll go find yourself a sweet scorpio.
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