Posted by iamwhatiam
Sags forgive very easily but they don't forget. If a sag was hurt in a relationship I don't think the person can have a sags heart as strongly as it was the first time around. It depends on the amount of hurt. Plus sags are very logical people. Most sags probably wouldn't go back if they were hurt badly enough.
Posted by stillwat3r
I don't know if I see a future because we are not that close. There is still so much to learn.
But I'm open to it. I'm open to continue with us and see if it will get to that stage.
Posted by DonJohnson
women empowerment.
independent female.
the alpha mother.
the unappreciated father.
the acceptance of cheating behavior in movies. most romantic movies that women love involve extravagant affairs. sluts gonna slut.
read these for enlightenment for you have been bamboozled
On the cusp of my 45th birthday, I made the mistake of looking in the mirror. It wasn??t the bathroom mirror, it was a photo I had from graduate school. I looked at myself 20 years ago and had a startling and clear epiphany. It wasn??t a happy moment. It was a terribly sad moment. It was so sad that I involuntarily burst into tears, something I haven??t done since the dark days of my divorce.
Posted by FixedWater
Well I was anyway.... maybe you were serious about my Gemini bits and hucking them out the window.
Posted by truecapPosted by CapTennPosted by tiziani
I wouldn't mind going through a divorce. I think it's just part of modern life and routine today.
Nobody minds.....until they actually experience it.
Don't tempt fate, my friend.
Reality is a bitch.
my divorce was hateful and ugly. Not an experience I'd want to repeat. Not afraid to get married again, but taking my time this time to make sure its to expand
Posted by BrightLights
What's sad is that old people, my mom's generations are getting divorced too.
I mean who gets divorced when you have grandkids and why??
Totally sad and ridiculous.
So you waited 40 + years to realize you are miserable? And then what? What awaits after 50, or 60 years old? New marriages in nursing home? lol
Posted by JustALeo
Probably very immature and just evil because she tried to manipulate everything to go against me, but I know better now...a LOT better.