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Posted by WaterCup
.South Africa
. It's more liberated compared to other African countries. People just don't have their heads surgically implanted up their rectums.
.Crime, violence & madmen raping babies.
. We're known as the "Raibow Nation" so the culture is like a mosaic that when put together, it creates something that makes sense only to us & leave others intigued. We have the vuvuzela which we play to make soccer more interesting. It's like a plastic trumpet lol. We LOVE to sing + dance (even when pissed lol. We toyi-toyi) & have different dance genres/ style s such as pantsula, s'bujwa, s'khothane, indlamu (traditional dance), etc.
. Dating is alright. Nothing exciting about that. Guys usually holler at girls with the biggest bums.
. We have 11 different tribes so each has their own staple when it comes to food. Ex, I belong to the Xhosa people & our "signature" dish is samp & beans. Braai is loved by everyone, though. Braai = BBQ.
. Our govt is corrupt & criminal friendly. Our very own president is a rapist.
. The countryside has huts (not mud huts lol), brick house, kraals to put cattle in, plantation. Usual country stuff. The cities are like any other cities, bright lights, highrise buildings, etc. And then we have the "skwatta camps" aka shanty towns where it's all vibey & noone cares about a things. Drinking, fighting, loud music because there police are nowhere in sight or it takes them too long to locate the area because skwatta camps have no street names or house number lol.
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
My city made #3 on the top 100 unhappy cities in the United States this year.
Posted by Rabbit
Immature ones notice and get jealous.
Mature ones are only concerned with their date.
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