So hot and cold, so intellegent, adventourous and fun!!

So easy to look past the faults as there are so many positive's
I love you guys!!!!!!!!!! and Gals!!!!!!!!!!

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The thing I love most about my aqua moon mixed with my aries venus is that I live to this quote. Doesn't matter if a scorpio man rips the heart straight out if my life filled chest, the passion in my stays, and I grow a new heart, fresh, and try again.
I suppose good. I don't spend what I don't have and I always keep enough to deal with emergencies. I hate money but wouldn't mind having lots of it Big Grin
Posted by The_eleventh_sign_11
Posted by RainDancer88
hahahaha.... to rid yourself of pimples, take an advil gel capsule and poke a hole in it with a safty pin and apply it directly to mt. rushmore smile That, or invest in real shea butter soap, that shit is magic.

are you serious???_..firstly advil is pain relief medicine not acne treatment, secondly it needs to be absorbed into your blood stream for it to work (as pain relief)
FFS Clueless get some proactive or a cleanser with Benzoyl Peroxide

click to expand

Idk about Advil-- but Aspirin is (acetyl)salicylic acid, which is the active in a lot of facial soaps.
Maybe that's what he's thinking of.
At least Im trying
+ Aquarius09
Do not reward him with friendship for dumping you. Don't be that desperate to keep him around. He made his choice, let him live with his decision.
Now you're friendzoned. Are you going to reward him with more love, more attention, more friendship for dumping you?
So now you're still into him right, still want him, still attracted to him and because he bailed out so suddenly you have not had time to process it all and therefore can't stop those emotions. If I can just show him how much he's losing, how great I am for him he'll change his mind. No! He won't but he will continue to benefit from dumping you. He'll use you as a therapist and you'll feel used and on top of that you'll still struggle with feeling dumped--emotional torture.
Move on as fast as you can. The quickest way to get over him is to get under somebody else--figuratively and/or literally.
Posted by jeannegrey
So WC---- (and don't think I will judge you cause I won't. not my place/way) ...do you guys still have a relationship even though he is married? Why doesn't he leave her for you?

No we're not in a relationship. We were together for almost 3 years & I broke up with him when I found out he was married. That was back in 2005. We remained strictly friends until late 2012, which is when we briefly got together because he was supposed to be going to his home to ask for permission to end his marriage. He is from a predominantly Muslim country. Last time I slept with him was a little over a year ago when he returned from his home. That was sort of like a goodbye sex since things didnt work out as expected at the home front. It total I think I've been sexual with him about 4 times after I found out he was married. I'm not too proud of it but I'm not going to hide it either. It happened.
I'll take a look
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Posted by J9
Maybe another time. Going to bed.

Have a good one.

Typical cancer male response-evasive, avoids, encrypted, or postponed. No thanks scorps like it straight -Ill stick w/ sag
Oops, he is South Asian.