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Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
I have the same thing going on with a Virgo that I feel is trying to come back. He doesn't seem to be trying very hard though which really bothers me and makes me doubt my own intuition about what he is up to. I just don't understand why, if he does want back in my life, why he doesn't just ask me out again. I was dating him for 3 months. I made him feel stuff that he definitely didn't want to feel. Like Dy said they absolutely hate emotions and boy did I make him feel them. He ran away all the way to another state and I didn't hear from him for 5 months. All of a sudden out of the blue like no time has passed he sends me an e-mail to tell me he was moving back. Every Thursday morning since he came back 4 weeks ago, he has been coming to the coffee shop that we used to meet at every Thursday morning where he used to meet me when we were dating to ask me out for Saturday night. This time around however he does not ask me out. He just sits and has coffee with me until I tell him I have to go to work. Last week I was out of town and I purposely didn't tell him so that he would show up and wonder where I am and maybe actually be forced to give me a call or something. Of course he hasn't.
I wish I could just get him out of my head and move on, but I can't stop thinking about him. I'm going on with my life and dating other men, but I can't forget him. I feel like I'm starting to play a game with him which I don't really want to do, but I feel like if I make it easy for him and ask him out that it will scare him away again, but if I play a game and play a little hard to get that he will never get up enough nerve to ask me out. I feel like he is processing and planning everything and that I just need to be patient and hope that he ends up asking me out again some day. I feel like he really needs to lead this or I will never feel secure with him. Does ANYBODY have any advice on how to handle this guy? Dy, Help!!! What can I do to get him to ask me out again? Is he even worth the trouble or should I just move on? I was really in love with him, but when he moved away he really hurt me. He doesn't even know that he hurt me, and I don't know if is playing a game with me now or what. All I know is that I don't want to get hurt again.
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May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185
Thanks honey..just wish i didnt find it so hard not to let him invade my thoughts! I'll need to dump my mobile phone for a few weeks!! Do you have anything else you can tell me..i appreciate anything to help with this. Did you part as friends or is it over completely for you and your aqua? He's the right age to settle down..maybe i should just propose to him..that'll give him something to think about!! x
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Jul 07, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2180 · Topics: 8
hmmm, conspiracy you say!? let me investigate. which topics don't work?
electronics sexy? no. but looks/designs, definitely! i'm that shallow
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Mar 20, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
i found out that he is seeing another girl, but he has been contacting me lately...and i know he still loves me and has feelings for me. he ran away from me b/c he is afraid of commitment and personally i just think he is confused right now. but we have been talking over the last month more and more. i am not sure what will happen.
let me tell you that he is going to invade your thoughts no matter what you do, aquas are very good at that. don't stop thinking about him, but keep yourself occupied and live your own life. how long have you two been together? you really need to have a lot of patience to be with him and a lot of self confidence. you need to show him that you are a strong person and that you are doing fine even if he doesn't call you all the time.
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Well I don't think accusing your boyfriend of cheating for no really good reason is in the good books, JD. I would be hurt if he didn't trust me...come to think of it, he doesn't want me hanging around that ex but still, that's understandable - she is a trouble-maker. We all used to get along, she has a bf, but still some girls like drama.
Almost seems like I do already, dammit! lol
Do I deserve an attack though, no. I deserve a little communication which I better get 2nite! Hence why I brought up this thread.