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Dec 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3890 · Topics: 117
"i'm not going to take no for an answer" at least he's honest and upfront lol
"Is it true that Capricorn ladies when small look like little adults although when they grow up start maturing and as they age they mature beautifully?"
I would have to agree! As a little girl growing up I was thought to always be a lady. I have no memories as a child going outside running ... climbing trees ... playing in the dirt ... riding bikes. I stayed home and played with my dolls, friends would come and visit me, or I was doing homework. I didn't own one pair of sneakers (still don?t)... only shoes ... dresses ... and a purse for every outfit. I am pleased with the end results ... I have matured into a beautiful butterfly. I can handle myself in any situation. I have confidence and class, which has brought me very far in life. With that said Fierce Dravidian you can't go wrong with a Cap woman ? NO DRAMA!
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3881 · Topics: 128
Coffee in the morning. Tea in the afternoon.
And if I had to choose it'd have to be tea.
Can you not like tea? You're all mad I tell ye.
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Jul 03, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 874 · Topics: 121
Virgos are Robots, they can't express emotions.
They also have no souls.
Well, it really depends on their rising and moon. If they hit the wrong one, then they are souless robots.
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Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
Virgos and Cancers males can the biggest PIAs (pains in the ass). Stubborn as all hell, only bother to make amends for wrong doing when they want or need something from you. Bleed your patience dry, manipulative, selfish...I could go on...
Some Aquarians (males/females) can be very jealous and real trouble makers when they don't get their way. Spiteful and vindictive if you get in between something/someone they want/desire; will smear your name, lie about you, and tarnish your reputation.
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Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
Not bad so far. Wait till you get broken in by the tougher board members. We Pisces are pretty cool bunch.
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Mar 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1633 · Topics: 53
"I've seen lots of Gemini females that are married and their husbands are either cheating on them or about to do something like that in near future."
I was married and cheated on.. this is my take of it.. we are very conforming once we are in love.. we are people pleasers so we do what we can to change who we are.. (young gems anyway) to make our mate happy. So we no longer are who they first met, and the things that attracted them to us in the first place. Then they don't like what we changed into. Now, I'm an older Gem who's been there done that and i no longer think that way and refuse to change... as i don't expect them to change..
I don't consider us to be Naive.. we avoid confrontation.. so you may mistake that for being naive.. and we can play dumb at the drop of a hat if we think we need to... but to mistake us for naive i don't know.. that would be a mistake on your part.
Hi there everyone, i am hoping you can give me some pointers, my apologise if this has been posted before, but recently i ahve come into contact with a slightly younger Taurus gentleman, we have had wonderful conversations although i appreiciate it when he say's that he will give me more information if we meet in person. I was jsut wondering, what sort of qualities you look for in a person or more to the point what sort of things would want to make you find out more about someone. He said he is interested in taking me out and doesnt have a girlfriend, although he said hehas someone who visits him when he is lonely *hmmmm* also for a first date, what attire is a turn off?
thanks guys