wheelhomies >>I don't have a lot of Virgo in my chart (I don't think), but true for me as well.
Yeah, I think this would apply to all Leo's. I don't think it's a Virgo thing, it's more of a "curiosity killed the cat" type of thing...
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
BUT, I'm not too sure men can evolve past their basic drives...in fact they're not even expected to. They don't even try. So why should women?
Thank goodness I'm not the only one who has noticed this. True, men are NOT expected to achieve like a woman OR to have self-control like a woman. Anytime they do something hurtful or stupid the excuse is "Oh he's just being a man"
Whatever, fuyk that!
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Sounds like you and that cancer women clash BIG time. I had the same problem with both a cancer AND a libra boss!
She probably just wants credit if the FTP is done correctly. However, if it's there's any mishaps, she doesn't want any part of it anymore or she wants everhbody to get in trouble with her.
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
Yes, Leos are quite curious, aren't they?
Another thing is that I don't think we're afraid to discover the "dark" sides of people...at least I know that's how it is with me. Human complexities are fascinating.
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Aqi and sb,
We live in a culture where women have to basically carry men on their backs. We have to do EVERYTHING for them ... support them, feed them, take care of their business matters, etc. They can bearly handle simple responsiblities let alone themselves.
For some reason Gen. Y men just can't be "REAL MEN", it's simply not in them. The generation before them SUCKED TOO but that's a totally diffrent subject.
I'm a Virgo guy who has no problem stealing hearts. We're good conversationalists, we are excellent flirters and we are non chalant. The only problem is that is where it all ends. If you want to take it to the next level then I'll have to admit we make horribly boring, predictable boyfriends.
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Yep, been there and done that with those control freaks! They would indeed try to make you look like the idiot of the group and try to make themselves look wonderful.
Don't even waste your time trying to work with her, she will always treat you like you are beneath her NO MATTER how much you have shown her that you know what you are doing.
AND OMG, If you make a mistake ... OH SHIT! It the end the world and you are considered incompetent for as long as she knows you.
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
as for how it interacts with your Sun sign, I really have no idea. If you know about your Sun and Moon signs, you might be able to determine how they coincide based on what you've noticed about yourself.