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Mar 13, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 1266 · Topics: 237
Apart from my son who is only 13 years old and who is thus still very much "a work in progress", I have only ever really known one person with Venus in Sag. She was a Capricorn woman that I used to know. Perhaps the main way that the Sag. thing came out was that she was quite artistic/bohemian. She never married or had kids. She also loved dogs which may be a Venus in Sag. thing. Her partner (if you can call him that - I think it was mostly platonic) was a Sag. guy. I think he rather exploited her though. She had emotional health issues and although pretty intelligent was I think something of a vulnerable person.
I forgot I replied to this thread sorry.I have watched everything she has done except "Poker House".Even though she was 17 or so she played a 14 year old and I can't watch a simulated rape of someone that age.
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Jan 04, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 117 · Topics: 12
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Jan 04, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 117 · Topics: 12
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Zatte, I don't think he is. If so, he's excellent at hiding it! Lol
AKHlaw12 It's hard work indeed! I feel for you. I'm going through certain things you are describing. I wish I knew what to say to help us both lol. I wish you all the luck though.
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Dec 05, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 139 · Topics: 10
Aquarius, Jupiter in Capricorn
In my opinion, hard work is more admirable and respectable than just resting on your talent. Maybe it's because I've learned a lot of lessons from resting on my talent... But really, a good work ethic is all you have left once your talent has run out or plateaued. It also makes you more appreciative for the things you do very well; you know that you busted your butt to be successful. It's very gratifying.
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Jan 04, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 117 · Topics: 12
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Dec 05, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 139 · Topics: 10
Definitely Capricorn. They're more grounded in reality and tend toward pessimism, whereas Aquarians have a tendency to live in their own worlds and are able to distract themselves. I have had my dark moments. (Thank God for my Sag moon, though! Gotta love that optimism.) Similar to what lisabethur8 said, I can get really attached to people I really care about even if they aren't the greatest person... it kinda becomes a self-defeating cycle. I've cared about, and dare I say loved, some really awful guys in the past who just didn't deserve it. I've been in positions where I'm constantly giving and the other person gladly takes and it's exhausting--literally sucks all of the energy out of me.
Aquarians are pretty detached in general, though, so extreme attachment cases are mostly rare. Capricorns are so security conscious that I think they can go a bit overboard and hyper focus on what is wrong in a situation instead of letting it go or finding the positive points.