Signed Up: Jan 16, 2015 Comments: 0 · Posts: 109 · Topics: 10
Boyfriend: Aqua sun, Taurus moon, with Capricorn in mars & venus. Me: Scorpio sun, Taurus moon, with Scorpio in mars & Libra in venus. We are having PROBLEMZZZZZ. Fuck man, since I met this man my mind is on OVERLOAD. I am so exhausted lol.. Our sex life is hopeless I swear! He has the horn-dog typical male hornyness to him, but the actual act happens maybe once a week. Yeah I have done my research and confirmations - their focus is elsewhere, I get that. But when we start inching closer to the actual ACT, bring on the awkwardness and misunderstandings. Im an expert at sex, this one I CAN NOT crack On this topic only thing I was able to get out of him was that he really likes when we "play" which we wrestle and he loves being aggressive and really rough (which I fucking LOVE) but when we have sex its so boring and the same thing. I am so confused and anytime I try to initiate he has an excuse or looks at me like I am totally crazy. He also said he doesn't get how I can just be turned on? I feel like dying lol, as a scorpio, sex is literally everything, my world is shutting off I HATE IT. Of fucking course... Before I accepted this aqua as a boyfriend I was getting laid like 6 times a week, but by fucking assholes. His love is so nice I don't want to let him go, I need help. I am a complete nympho, this isn't working