Since then there hasn't been much communication. We had an instance on our second date where the food I ordered was burnt and not so great. I was disappointed and he knew how much I was looking forward to it. So I made it myself at home and texted him a photo of the food. He was impressed and I told him I'd like to make it again but change up the recipe a bit. He said he'd like to take that for a spin. I texted him later in the week and idea for our third date not specifying any day or time. He said he was booked up this weekend and if we did do what I suggested his friends may have to join us since they've been wanting to do something like that again for a really long time. I told him I hoped I didn't have to wait too long to see him again and told him to enjoy his busy weekend. This was just this past weekend. I haven't heard from him much since then. He's liked a few of my Facebook posts and commented on one or two things but no direct texts or phone calls. I had posted yesterday that one of my childhood pets who still lived with my parents has passed away. He texted me shortly after that he was sorry to hear that and that he was thinking of me. I texted him thank you and nothing more.
From an Aries perspective, what exactly is happening here? I know that he's dating other women and am fine with that. We've only gone out twice. I'm not pressuring or pushing him at all. I understanding giving someone space. I need that myself a lot. I'm keeping my expectations in check and he had told me before about taking things slow because that's what he needs right now. But how slow is too slow? It was two weeks between our first and second date (granted that was due to a family emergency). Insight, anyone?