I do agree with rockyroad 100%
Listen libra, you did the right thing by cutting him out of your life completely, this guy is obviously NO GOOD if he's been jerking you around for 2 years. You need to take a step back from this situation and gain some much needed perspective. You are 26 years old, you are a grown ass adult who knows right from wrong and yet you're still letting someone treat you this way...my dear that says a lot more about how you feel about yourself than anything else if you're willing to tolerate this guy's bullshit treatment, especially for such an extended period of time. You need to gain some self respect and see yourself in a higher light, this man is no prize, YOU are. LET HIM GO, take this as a valuable lesson learned and absolutely NEVER let any man treat you with such complete disregard ever again. You need to love yourself dude, plain and simple, for if you really did you wouldn't allow anyone to mistreat you so blatantly. Our hearts are often misguided and can lead us down some murky paths, that seems to be the case here. You've let your heart overrule all else, which is not a wise decision, there must a balance between using your head and your heart. You are better off without him, and I genuinely hope you are able to see that.