Moon-sun sign compatability?

Shut off completely from romance and sexuality? Air energy might dwell on the idea but Taurus is too much of a pleasure-loving, physical sign for that. Check her Venus, Mars and their state but I wouldn't worry too much about it. Especially if her Venus also happens to be in Taurus. I'm sure you're aware of this but air Moons are far from emotionless or heartless, we just tend to intellectualize our feelings rather than simply kicking back and feeling them, if that makes any sense to you. Feelings are like an interesting study for us, lol.
I'd advise you to always put your friendship above anything else. It's ridiculously important for all personal Aquarius placements. If you plan on pursuing her, don't be pushy, aggressive or openly sexual, let your romantic intent be known in subtle bur clear ways. While most Taurus Sun/[insert Moon] combos appreciate a painfully direct, cut-to-the-chase approach, that's most likely not something that will intrigue a Taur Sun/Aqua Moon. Check her ruler of 7th and what it's doing in the chart along with Sun, Mars and their aspects to see whether you are her type (astrologically anyways Tongue). With you being a Scorp Rising, Taurus falls in your 7th so it's no surprise that you're attracted to Taurean energy. Good luck.