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Jul 17, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 211 · Topics: 16
a nut that wanna release.:wink:
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Mar 13, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5663 · Topics: 62
okay sb- I think your writing style is cap to the core!
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Mar 15, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2950 · Topics: 49
This is cute! My son is trying to pull out his tooth. He has dental floss tied on his tooth and is tying the other end to the door handle. Haha!!! I'm lovin' it!
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Mar 13, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5663 · Topics: 62
I think aqua for your rising makes you very openminded though- and able to tolerate psychos like myself o_O
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Mar 15, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2950 · Topics: 49
Haha!! Hey Schoen, it's nice to see your face again.
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Jul 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 230 · Topics: 31
I can't stand most cancers, they'll betray you in heartbeat. They aren't even true to themselves.
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Mar 15, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2950 · Topics: 49
sb, I definately see your sun in cap moon in gem.
You make good points. Early on I told this girl flat out, I am interested in meeting someone. And that a weird friendship with her would only distract me from that. She told me it was bad timing.
I didn't really flirt, but yes I was looking at her and talking. What am I supposed to do? Be ignored forever? This chick has given me the silent treatment for over a month. And when we were hanging out, she was always trying to say little things to me that would make me me feel bad about where I stood with her. Just to see what I would do. She's controlled just about everything, I'm surprised I was able to keep up with her and constantly call her on her bullshit.
She did get a kick out of flirting with the other guy and hurting me. This is after I told her I cared about her and really liked her. At one point she called me a bitch and that was pretty much it for me. But every time I've tried to talk about feelings she'd say, "don't get so hung up on me don't lose sleep over it."
Besides if she wanted me, and since she basically intitiated the whole thing, why won't go for me?
I'm used to being honest about what I'm thinking and feeling. With this girl it's a constant guessing game. When you bring up anything normal a wall goes up, she has at least five different personalities and I can't decide which the real one is.
She parks her car next to mine, which she never did before, but she makes sure to get there before I do, and she'll adjust her schedule so that every time I go to my car, her's is gone. I look at her and smile and she walks right past me and says hi to someone else and leaves.
She was obsessed with me in a good way and now it's a bad way. I'm not her back-up man. For all I know she's got tons of guys like me that she just strings along for a kick.
And yeah, I do kind of like this new girl. She's cute and seems normal, but that could be deceiving. I have deliberately not talked to other chicks when the scorp is around. I'm a big flirt and I wanted to show her that I won't do it in front of her, still the cold shoulder. Maybe she's already over it.
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Apr 12, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4267 · Topics: 82
"This is a tough one..... but I think pure honesty as you displayed above is a great start. At the end of the day you have to remain true to you. I guess if she gets offended than maybe she is not the kind of friend you want in your life. If she is a true friend I think she will understand. I wish you much luck.
M Ldy"
^^Like that.