Taurus with leo. too late? - Please Help!

Hello! I'm confused about the potential Taurus man in question. We started chatting from august to mid october last year. We met through an online matrimonial website. Due to our culture, that site is taken seriously, by family members and the potential bride and groom.
the connection was hard too handle. it was very, very intense for the both of us. I felt like I never before understood someone so well. He seemed to be very sure and confident and STRAIGHTFORWARD. He even said he never felt this way before. I'm a very cautious person. So i was very scared because, it was long distance, and we had never met each other. We talked on the phone, but we mostly texted. His choice because he has a high risk job and texting meant he could chat more often. it was as if we were conversing though, like he'd type something and then i would but before i'd finish he would again. it flowed. went on for hours sometimes. What happened for sure was he would contact me around the same time every night, chat until we went to bed. But every time we would make plans to video chat, he'd not follow through. He was like a child who wanted my constant attention when he wanted it. if i took a few minutes to respond, he would get anxious. He always asked what i thought and how felt about different topics. When we really disagreed, i thought that's it. we won't talk anymore. But i was wrong. He always came back. stronger.
I'm more traditional then him. sex was a big deal for him. When i asked him to slow down, he did because I have no experience and he was fine with that. But towards the end of us chatting he couldn't handle it anymore. Kept on saying, how can we handle long distance if we can't even talk ( sexting). But it didn't feel like something i could do yet. So i told him and he said that he's trying to teach me but that he was also reaching the limit of his patience. He was always trying to patiently teach me something. So he'd do it first and then expect me to follow. I understand now that he wanted me to loosen up and not be so boring. a lot of what he did was to shock me out of myself. Honestly reminded me of the 50 shades of gray type of a relationship. Christian Grey... He has that type of a personality.