Partner Assessment & Past Relationships

Posted by AgentP911
Posted by AnomalousBull
Background checks are key here. I've learned in dating that women often lie to me about little things, others have lied about big things. The general consensus is that everyone lies and therefore it's accepted, however as far as I'm concerned, it's not and I don't lie. You would think people would just be themselves, but I've found this sadly isn't the case. So yeah, I do background checks and while some might view this as extreme, I feel it's warranted.
Now I don't care if a woman has a Police record, I have a Juvie File myself, used to get into trouble all the time as a kid. This doesn't bother me, what I'm looking for is her propensity to lie or how violent she gets. Other red flags are key too, such as her financial records and what's a priority in her life. I'm straight edged, I don't always obey the law, as I'm anti authority to an extent, but I do live my life in a way which isn't destructive in nature.
It's important to note that if a woman tells me the truth and it matches what's in her background check it scores big points with me. However if I sense deception or if her record tells a different story, I bounce.

You might not lie but you don't respond to emails. I thought you were dead or something... ***raises an eyebrow*** whatever dude...
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I swear DXP must be hosted in a third world country. Stuff is either delayed or doesn't get received at all, plus the whole load issue every other day. Ugh. *Busts out Bazooka*