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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 801 · Topics: 43
For anyone interested in searching for some answers, check out the site, Lots of eye opening topics are addressed by Glen Kimball.
Anyway, he says he needs time to sort his head out - his entire family is going ballistic over this. I don't understand why he had to tell her, but i'm a scorpio i only understand scorpio things!!! I know that reading this people with think "oh he just strung you along honey, move on" but I know that's not the case, I have emails from him that are full of the plans he had for leaving his partner and he was the one who was instigating it, not me, he was the one making the plans - surprise surprise it's usually the scorp that's controlling the situation!!! There's just something about him that I just can't let him go. NEVER in my life have i EVER felt like this - even when my own marriage broke up i wasn't this broken up!!! Oh yeah, when I left him back in 2001 he was utterly devastated by it coz i didn't give a reason, i just wasn't around - yes that was not the right way to behave, i recognise that now and i have explained all that to him. In his mind, now, he's thinking "oh god she's done it again" - he said those exact words to me last night. But i said to him "i'm not doing it again, i'm not leaving you"... i could ramble on all day about this, i just have no one to talk to about it and i feel out of my depth because i'm not reverting to typical scorp behavours - arrogance, indifference etc I'm really really repentant and sorry and i just want him back, i'll do anything in the world to get him back.
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Jul 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 230 · Topics: 31
Amen sister. I disected our last meeting together and said the same exact thing you did..." he scared? How could he be scared if he is so confident in every other aspect of his life????" I ended up on this board cause of him...I was just trying to understand his non-actions.
SO what has Dr. SensualTaurus (or psycho Sensual Taurus) concluded: I've got big issues. First, I'm not really genuinely interested in Mr. Virgo. Nope, I am not going to lead the poor guy on just because he's giving me attention. Thats not fair to the guy. Its not right.
Second, I'm gonna stop overanalyzing the Cap Dude because he's caused too much havic in my mind. The funny thing about that guy is that I almost lost my self-respect for moments, trinkets of time with a man that possibly never existed. By that I mean, I saw potential but he never really went to that level. SO how can I be sad over something that never really happened? (thats when I start getting mad at myself and questioning my mentality).
Lastly, I declare solitude.
Yes... solitude beats out pain and stress anyday. It takes a real strong person to do it too...
You know whats funny? Im here because of the Cap too... *guilts* I was looking for cap male qualities. Sadly, Ive resorted to such tactics in order to read him.
Bottom line, do whatever you feel right. If the virgo man is good, then, maybe you should pursue it. I dont want us to keep you in the past.
I dont like being bored. I just like being... how do you say, comfortable. Im comfortable with what I know, and one of the many things I like to do is relax when I have the chance. I am a home body. I dont like all that partying hooplah. Meeting people and being tuck with strangers can be tedious.
Im more prone to party with a close group of friends and not just go partying for the hell of it.
I dont even like to talk to my friends on the phone much. I ignore calls like the phone isnt even ringing...
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Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 532 · Topics: 30
>Yes, FC, you do have some explaining to do. Can you tell me what it is that goes through your heads while you guys are analyzing the situation.
What dyrstr8z said. LOL
He's pretty much on the money.
I'll give you a couple examples of my own too.
One was a horse buddy I'd known for a couple years. She no longer rode, but we'd go to horse shows together. I don't know what her sign was. Although I was super attracted to her, I never made a move on her because she was a horse buddy. Oh, I did the usual, talked sweetly with her, smiled a lot, smiled at her, listened to what she had to say.. she was a sharp gal. But I never felt free to make some romantic overture. She also never made a move on me, that I was aware of.
I always assumed the worst thing might happen if I took a chance and made a move... that she might be offended and would tell me to go away forever... and as I valued her as a horse buddy, I would not take that chance. Eventually she screwed me not only on a horse deal, but on a custom computer I built for her, so I wrote her off.
Another gal, one of those Earth Goddess's... short, plump, big butt and boobs, cute. I met her when she had hay for sale, and told me she had trouble finding people to help bale. So I offered to help in exchange for a reduced price on hay. We hit it off really well. Again, smiles, looks, listening intently to what she had to say... but no noticeable opening for me to make a move... Also, I was afraid, since she had great hay, and I needed it, that if I pissed her off... no hay. Again, even tho I am a VERY gentle man and a gentleman... for some friggin reason I always assume that a gal... not having given me any "signals" will react in the worst way if a move is made on her.
Some time went by and I found another possible hay supplier, so figured I'd make a move on the Goddess. We had hung out and chatted for hours several times. And always hugged before I'd go home. THIS time, in leaning in for the hug, I went for a little kiss on her lips, but she quickly diverted me to her cheek... and I of course pretended like that was what I had planned all along... nothing further ever happened between us. Although I still see her around sometimes and we chat in a friendly way and give eachother a hug when we part.
PT 1
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Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 532 · Topics: 30
I think in general, if I find a gal attractive, I am friendly, smile a lot, talk pleasantly, listen to what she has to say, ask her questions, smile a lot, smile at her. I look for some sign that she is attracted to me... the same things I do towards her... her smiling, smiling at me, etc...
Touching hands is sometimes a prelude to a kiss. If I make a comment about a ring she is wearing and she extends her hand so I can hold it to look at the ring... a kiss will be attempted that night. If she takes the ring off and hands it to me, nothing is going to happen for us.
If I touch her hand and she withdraws, then nothing is going to happen for us.
If she says that her feet are sore, and I offer to massage them and she declines... nothing is going to happen for us.
If while joking around, I give her a little poke with my finger in her side, and she pokes me back... a kiss will be attempted. If she deflects the poke, slaps my hand, jerks away from me to avoid the poke, even tho we still smile etc afterwards... nothing is going to happen for us.
Seems like if there is a mutual attraction and we touch, however lightly... that starts the electricity flowing. I feel it, she feels it.
When the kiss happens... it's hard to describe how it happens... sometimes there's just this connection between us...
PT 2