Thanks for the welcome. I've finally signed up on these boards after many years of studying astrology. You guys have the same rising sign/sun sign combinations of some of the most influential people to me. Namely Johnny Depp (gemini/leo rising), Bob Dylan (gemini/sag rising)(and other Sag risings) like James Dean, etc...
GemTWO: that's a wild combination just from what I've read about astrology. I wish I had the strong philosophical counterpart to the Gemini thoughts...although I have about 3 or 4 outside planets in Sagittarius.......even if you are more must have one hell of sense of humour (from my experience with these signs.)...I think John Belushi was a Gemini w/ Sag Moon. But, yeah if you want to talk philosophy sometime, lemme know. Nice to meet you two...(or should I say you 4?)