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Jul 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 485 · Topics: 20
In her defense, from what I've read: she's a pregnant woman (hormones are running wild), her relationship with the father just ended (regardless of who you choose to point the finger at, that can take a toll), and she has a bunch of people questioning her decisions... If I were a woman in her position I would probably be very defensive and hostile towards others as well.
Honestly I think he's a bit more open when he's at my house, because its more peaceful. When we are at his house he pretends like he's tough, at his house there are people everywhere the only time we have peace is when we sleep and that's not even that often. When he's at my house he's more cuddily, it makes me feel so mushy I just want to show him that mushy side so bad. But I am just waiting patiently until he opens up completely. I don't want him to partially open up, I want him to open up completely. He knows by now that he's safe with me, I am the one he comes to when he's feeling down or he just can't take it when he's having problems. I am like his safe haven. I do whatever I can to make him feel good, and comfortable and with hopes he will open up.
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May 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 220 · Topics: 33
Awww, that's so sad. So let me mind-pick you while you're waiting (maybe anxiously)... What are some of the things that you are wondering about? For example, are you thinking that she is as interested as you are? Maybe that she's not as interested? How many times does the thought of her pop up each day? Or does it? etc,etc,etc...
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
Perhaps I am, but I think you are, too...
Afterall you titled this thread "Morals has a dilemma"
I guess I sincerely don't understand what your dilemma is...LOL
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Sep 06, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2592 · Topics: 68
I am confused.
And you are soooo Scorp, it's like the sign took over your chart.
(though it wasn't directed to someone else :-)) pisces do have creative abilities, one of my best friends is a pisces and she studied philosophy and roman languages and had a hard time to find a job, but was so convinced she should work at a publishing company that she waited for almost 2 years to get the job she wants. i like pisces, they are surprisingly not that different from aries, if they feel passionately about something, they go for it.
*though it was directed to someone else* damn typos lol
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Sep 06, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2592 · Topics: 68
Like i would turn down a virgo...
Alexis Bledel isn't the only one.
i see that, virgomoon. and i can almost feel the pain she goes through. my post was a reaction to her post to gttommys, which i didn't understand to be offensive at all.