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Jul 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 332 · Topics: 14
Thanks Dyr and Virguy.. I truely appreciate your help.
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Aug 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 553 · Topics: 17
most people would classify an arachnid as a bug. : 0
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
Thanx Tanya023, no, ya needn't say more, less ya wanna!! lol!!
*cups hand to ear in eager positioning to tanya's testemony to her love of Virgos*
But to Yama, the mars in aries thing is exaltation right? I mean mars rules aries, but I don't ever feel competitive, actually, HATE COMPETITIVE SPORTS!! No free, form, and too black or white in this case....someones a winner, and someones a loser....hate that. The being judged part too of competitions; I just don't get it; I guess it's becuase I am so stubborn I don't care to here a 'humans critisms' which is why I could never play, they weren't 'omnicient' and ered as well.... so many variables in this chart that would 'seem' to clearly answer questions, but I suppose 'I have to know more' yama.... I gotta know 'why' ya know? My parents HATE THIS ABOUT ME LOL!! I just can't take things as being 'that's that' there's gotta be more....I still prepose Virgos fall into a new class, or Uranus/Jupiter ruled, or Mercury/Vulcan....So many possibilities to choose from!! All EQUALLY TANTALIZING!!
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
LOL!! yes I suppose, but that would be so in an 'insult' to the scorps pride I suppose; I know what it's like to feel indignation towards someone whom steped on your pride; so I CAN understand their positioning; just wish I knew more on their opperation, and mechanics; but deeper still than the zodiac, the human nature is complex; so many twists, and turns and weaves, and bobs, between human experience, and adaptation, that stand as presentable variables as well that could alter a humans expression; could a sign alone simply interpret the internal workings of a person no matter how 'Virgoan' or 'Scorpion' they maybe/feel?
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Dec 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3890 · Topics: 117
Someone has a crush.....hehehe
meditate. really, it works wonders. do transcendental meditation, yoga, chanting, whatever does it for you. you may hate it at first, but once you see how calm and centered you can get, you'll love it.
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Jul 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5508 · Topics: 93
^That is one of the most Aries-like comments I have ever seen, but obviously, there are other influences in your chart that may explain your dislike for competition, I don't know your chart, so I really can't say. Mars in Aries is a very strong and LOUD placement, so it makes sense that it'll make you an extraordinary Virgo.(I have Mars in Aries as well, so I would know)