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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
Honestly, though, I am yet to be wowed by any Virgo's intellect...hehehe...
Hi -
I am and aqua girl, involved (although it is just starting) with a virgo guy
we certainly are very different (especially communication) but i enjoy the differences for the most part, as long as the other party can appreciate them too, anyways, i have always felt the need to be with my friends, always, and have never forgotten them while in a relationship (even in the beginning when you are speding a lot of time with someone and getting crazycrazy). i have always told my boyfriends in the past (and this is before delving into astrology) that above all things, they need to be my friend first and have always appreciated when they can really stick by that. i had a long distance relationship with a sagittarius for 2 years and i was completely fine with it, i guess the friend/ bf time wasn't an issue since i only saw him once a month and then i would spend that time with him.... how often do you see each other? and how far do you live? is it a plane ride or a car drive? so my experience was not bad at all (we're still friends) because i didn't see him a lot so i guess it depends on how often you see each other. but to answer your question (in my point of view) i have always tried to balance time between friends and bf, and many times combine the two if possible, but i do need to see my friends, absolutely and a lot.
i have a question for did aqua girl get virgo guy?
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Jun 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 502 · Topics: 52
well, a girl's gotta have either of two things to catch my eye:
a) dark, mysterious sex appeal.
b) an emotionally complex aura.
both qualities are very challenging in a woman, and scorp boys always love a challenge. just don't be too challenging or we'll take it as disinterest and lash out at you.
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Mar 13, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5663 · Topics: 62
peep bunnies or peep chicks?
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Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
Welcome to VigWorld! Don't get offended, the trick is to play as clean or as dirty as the Vguy does. They don't usually play foul unless they feel you've committed the first sin. Virgoans WILL go ape sh*t about tiny little moral if they think you're manipulating them, believe me, they will plot, scheme, do whatever to get you to realize the error of your ways. And, uh, don't try bothering to convince them they are wrong, they won't own up. You have to bring your A game ALL THE TIME. Ain't no half-stepping with these guys. Even when you're mellow, they will wonder 'Why is she being soo mellow?' But as Dyr says, you can't allow them to get over on you.
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Really Mercury ????
Wow, well ... people like that are immature and very stupid in the sense of human nature. It may be a good thing that you didn't don't go for that type of thing because she seems to be feeding into an image.
LOL, like some other women do ... jeezzz, everything's all about images ... my goodness ....
I feel so incrediblly sad...I asked this cap girl a while ago on a date she agreed...and since then I never heared from her...I sent her an email today and told her how I feel and she told me she has a bf which is probably not true since I saw her profile somewhere that she's single....I couldn't understand this. she flirted with me so heavily and all that.....why would she do that if she's not interested.?...sob..sob...I feel so incredibly sad. ...I think about her every night. for months and she just rejected me like that...I feel like being played...and hurt so bad. why would anyone do that? so strange for a cap.
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
hmmm, the fact that put her "culture/race" or whatever(lol) in a text seems to be alittle troublesome.
Hmm, I wouldn't care ............... what't the point in even asking that ? Ha, I guess I just don't get it.