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Aug 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 761 · Topics: 85
THANKS VIRGOPMOON, well said!! People just want to add fule to keep things burning. you are so right . BUT WHY, IN FACT IF GEMINI RISING KNEW ANYTHING , SHE WOULD KNOW THAT THAT MESSAGE WASNT DIRECTED TO HER, THEN AGAIN I WOULD BE MAD IF I WERE BLOCKED FROM EMAILING ME TOO, RIGHT!! I like you virgopmoon. people say one thing and do another people act like they hate people when they reallY love like and admiring that being. hint= me... gemini rising, sorry if u tried to send me a message and was denied, but it is the other way around, I WISH NOT TO TALK NOR FIGHT WITH YOU=LOL , i don't want to talk t ur wack self!! lol . of course little of fascinating me ,gets all the attention and love without even being in the room, how interesting.. you are right , i guess i won't be revealing MYSELF , maybe I WILL , ONLY to someone worthy, u seem more worthy than anyone in this room virgopmoon. and as for virgoexalted , i see you learned something from my comments , good !!! i see u just switched up the wording FROM ALL THE LESSONS AND LOGIC I GAVE YOU, GREAT!! good, always sound original even if it is plagerized to an extent=lol , just laugh. well yeah lets not give all the weight to the sign shit, but all the spunk TO THE SIGN , MAYBE.. and scorps bugs, yeah and virgos are hoes get it ,= "the virgin". lol scorps are insects that don't swim, th most powerful subtle animal ,with amunition, that is misunderstood always... come on now , lets not hate people!!. back me up on this virgopmoon! you must pat a cat until they purr, or they might just scratch ,if you come on too strong or wrong= hint.. i get along a lot better with men ,and people who are calm and don;t assume, and people whom don't feel they have answers immediately , but one who is patient with learning a person , things and or a situation. and a person who is not jealous and or insecure. People mistake my confidence for granduere, and or arrogance a lot , virgo69 , i have it bad. and then when they find out my b-day , they go crazy!!!! and give credit to the complete existence of my sign.. Well coming from a sign perspective, most people will not ever understand us and or our mental states unless they are one of us. I SAY that because we are usually well balanced people and lots of people aren't, get it. IT IS SAID THAT SCORPIO WOMEN ARE SOME OF THE MOST LEVEL HEADED PEOPLE ON EARTH!!
In my present situation...I think, the meaning of my dream is relevant to what aquaaqi interpretation. thanks..
yep. the yelling, possibly slamming doors... exactly how i am. and i don't like it, but it's me at my worst, honestly. but in our defense, i have to say that when virgos get mad, they only get mad for a little bit and then they just bounce back and kinda go back to normal. i don't usually say i'm sorry either and that pisses people off. me and my Vguy are awesome that way. our fights come and go so fast that it's like, "woah, what just happened? meh."
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3881 · Topics: 128
Yer on Tate! And hold the ice. I likes me whisky warm and raw. Harghhhhh....
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