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Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 232 · Topics: 18
I have a lot of leos in my life. I dated a leo guy before and my dad is a leo. Here is what I know (this may not be true of all leo guys)
-they like to have their ego stroked
-they can be loyal but that doesn't mean they don't look (they like to admire beauty)
-they like to be in control (can be dominating)
-are passionate in love
-like to do nice things for their woman (flowers, nice restaurants, etc)
-they like their mate to be attractive (presentable)
-can be materialistic (not always)
-will take care of their mate (if you let them be in control)
-have a temper (fire sign)
Let me just say Leo men are not all bad but it takes someone who know how to handle them. You are a air sign and leo is fire which means you both can get a long.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3881 · Topics: 128
ATM I'm lsitening to Kate Bush - The Whole Story
My favorites tracks on it are The Man With The Child In His Eyes and Wow
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1857 · Topics: 45
Just seeing your questions Virgowithalittleo - do not fret or frown over the breakup. I can assure you that being aquarian if she didn't want to be with you now, she just wouldn't - end of story:-) yes, aquarians do like to remain friends with thier exes but that wouldn't mean you'd be an exclusive item which you seem to be - if I told you how many time we broke up and I swore I would never ever see that man again and he said the same, you'd be laughing your socks off:-) - as most on this board know if they have read some of my escapades of past years with Mr. Virgo!!
For me when we have a huge row, break up etc. I like about a week or two (at the most) space to simmer down and then I like Mister to ring:-) To be honest I like to see him ring late and nite and not take his calls a few days after!!!! I don't like anymore than 3 weeks to pass as I begin to feel rejected and may go on the "hunt" for someone else...just even for revenge sake!!! When he does ring, the first few phonecalls I will be "cold as ice" to him but by the third or fourth, I begin to thaw....make me laugh and I'm yours:-) So my advice is a few weeks at the can someone really miss you if you don't be apart for a while:-)
And I am very impressed with the way your expressed yourself about the things you like about your aqua girl -
If you really want to impress her for life - I'd leave a note of these attributes under her pillow:-) she'd be blown away - well I would anyway:-) - it's clear that you have a real "good heart".
Best wishse my pal.
Alana x
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Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 232 · Topics: 18
if this cancer guy is so into you there may not be a gentle way to let him down. Cancers don't like to be rejected it is the worst thing in the world to them. However they also don't want to be let on. So the better of the two options would be to just let him know you don't think this would be a good idea since you guys work together
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
LOL @ Crabby..I know...but I like being controversial!..I don't fall in love that easily...Its not love its infatutation!..hahha..Nah he's a cool guy...a man of a few word and very down to earth...
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Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 232 · Topics: 18
yes he is interesting and I have no idea what draws me to him. After my ex and I broke up 2 yrs ago I had the hardest time dating again. This is the first time I have been this attracted to a guy. I have not idea what it is. He is a strong person who is kind and compassionate. Maybe that's what it is
Pick a time to have a private talk when you're both sober...
Say that the flirting was fun and made you feel great but that you're afraid that jumping into a physical relationship while you are both hurting from your own break ups may be something you'll both regret later, espcially since you work together...and if co-workers find out, it could be worse. Make sure you always say how you feel about everything. Say that the best way for you two to support each through your break ups right now is to be platonic friends.
I'd say if you do decide to hang out with him alone, do not drink, and don't hang out with him with he insists on being drunk. I'm sorry that you're hurting.....