Help with a Scorpio

First I must say a few things. I'm a 30yrs old male Sagittarious and no newbie in relationships , girls etc. I had a lot of girlfriends from almost every sign, and until recently I thought I really had seen it all. Never thought something like this would ever happen to me. I've been in love before a couple of times but it trully cannot compare to the way way I feel about this scorpio girl or should I say woman as she is 2 years older than me. I'm literally torn apart and the fact that she's a work colleague which I have to see everyday just makes things worse.
While she surely has shown some signs of interest and we communicate well (maybe because we're closer at age than with rest of the co-workers?)other times she seems distant and cold as if she wants to taunt me or test me, and I'm not sure if she really means all this so-called interest.
Just by a look at her you can say she's done it all in life and that she's a femme fatale. She's awesome in every aspect: beauty, brains, wit, humour, personality, simply I never thought I would ever meet such a person in my life. She has strong built and character and penetrating smart eyes that seem aware of all that's happening. She's also mean and cruel with those she doesn't like often humiliating them with irony and jokes. Initially I tried to cool it off and distance my self from her because I was new at the job, I was somewhat afraid of her and thought she's not the kind of woman I can handle and hoped it will just pass with time. It only got 10 times more intense and I think in the effort to detach myself I became cruel (while I'm not like that at all) and said things that hurt her a couple of times in front of other colleagues in more than one occassion (not very wise with a scorpio I know, but don't forget I'm a careless and tactless Sag who doesn't learn from mistakes).
Things seem to be pretty much ok now but I'm so desperate that I think the only way out is too quit job and never see her again.
Thanks for reading, any advice is welcome especially from Scorpio women or from guys that fell for a Scorpio and know what I'm talking about.

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TG, it also sounds like self-fulfilling phophecy...lay low and evaluate things. one thing to remember is he is still living his life without you moving in yet. don't suffocate him. perhaps this get together was planned in advance and i know when I'm hosting a party, I don't want to be rude by staying on the phone.
We tauruses have a good knack for self-fulfiing phophecies - willing something negative that hasn't happened to come true.
"and lots of sagi women get romantically involved in situations like these)is very very jealous."
That's very interesting because I have observed that as well! I find that extremely misleading, plus sagis though can't keep their love life straight, but they have demands on their friends' who they started liking! How annoying is that! As a scorp I just want to smack them around. If you are going to be jealous you better be sure you want to be with that person! Duh!
this gemaqua guy isn't telling the whole story....HR can get sued for that kind of practice.
Yeah we are double standard we can definitely dish it out but it is hard to take BUT when we take it and if we have to dish it out a second time "shaking of head" you better watch yaself. You may have caught your Scorp at a bad time though. Tell him about it and move on smile Good Luck with the move in "hee-hee"
" figuring things out more or less in real time so that's good"
Oh ya, when he moved I told him that I would of wanted more time, u know just to let time take it's course on us. Now I'm force feeding all dramatic sitiations to see how we do in them. How he feels, or acts. It feels like it's some sick testing, but i don't really try it.
When we get into issues he always says, don't forget I love you. BUT, the little things matter to me too, sometimes love isn't enough.
Don't get me wrong I'm pumped about going & confident in us, cuz we keep growing & battling though & learning each other.
No one is perfect - you know, I don't even want perfect, because that isn't real. I love the 'real' people in my life.
goodluck MM!!!!!! i'm sure you don't need it but just incase =D
Where's fuckign airport police/security when you need them. Aka when the shit hits the fan so to speak? They wouldn't be so quick to frisk you once you've shit your pants.
*fuckign=fucking smile
I dont have a big forehead, its actually very nice should you measure its size?
well if you're just dating someone I don't think that is enough to justify you treating them better than your friends. My main issues with some virgos is that they consider "good treatment" to be "good deeds". For instance, if they picked up a piece of paper you left behind...and it IS! But they don't think that criticizing you to death and then turning it on you when you voice your own issues is bad treatment. They feel that you aren't recognizing them. I'd much rather pick the d@mn piece of paper up myself and have someone who can show some reciprocity when owning up to our wrongs will spare me the constant criticism.