I have been dating a Sag for a couple months now. I am a Sag as well. We get along great and have a blast together and I have no doubt in my mind the way he feels about me. At first he seemed scared or nervous and kept his distance from me or he seemed to try to keep his distance. Now he has been chasing me hardcore for several weeks, we are in constant contact, he wants to see me almost everyday and tells me all the time how he feels about me. He thinks of me everyday, thinks of how to make me happy, he is always smiling thinking about me, ect. There is also this INTENSE attraction and we can't keep our hands off each other. He has got to be hands down the sweetest, most caring guy I have EVER dated and I am already so in love with him although we haven't said those words yet. I am 35 and have dated a lot, been married but this relationship is so different.
He is so different from what I have read about Sags. He doesn't want much space, he wants to see me all the time and he is pretty darn open with his feelings. This all kinda feels like a dream. I know it is early days and I am hoping this doesn't fade as fast as it has come on. I have met all his family and his sister told me she is so happy we are together and even had me in her family wedding pictures! They are really close, him and his sister and have been spending a lot of time together because he was helping her with wedding stuff. So I guess he has been talking a lot about me to her or something.
It is almost a psychic connection. When I think of him, he texts, or calls or contacts me somehow. Sometimes I get this heavy, warm feeling in my chest and it feels so weird and then he will text me telling me he was thinking about me. One day it was so intense, this feeling, it brought tears to my eyes. This has never happened to me before. Has anyone ever experienced that? What is going on? This is all so weird to me! LOL
I hope this is it because I can't imagine feeling happier than I do now. And I can tell he is super happy too.