Sex deprived.

Sometimes I get an overwhelming urge to just tackle someone I like.and yell dem draws! LOL

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Yaaaaaasssssss I love miserable men.
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Posted by lisabethur8
they have a photo of this guy looking super serious, after his natural smile was not encouraged. Jeeeez.....this is too much. Shouldn't it be NATURAL?

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Hell no that mother fucker looks like he beats women for a living. happy or not. I'd run for the hills if I saw his ass walking towards me on the street.
Posted by top_recruit
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
You actually don't really love her if you did you would have never texted or flirted with those other women.
Don't think just because you want her back or feel sad that she dumped you that it actually means you actually have genuine feelings for her.
You only want her back because she finally stood up for herself and rejected / dumped you. She's a challenge again.
If you two would have stayed together you'd probably still be bored / upset or "in a mood" and would be still entertaining / flirting with other women.
Don't worry gemini guy you'll soon forget about all of this and will be off to the next thing. You're young.

I strongly disagree. I unfortunatly learn the hard way. I dont learn/ understand the results of my actions until I see how it affects people once its done. I have a sincere amount of guilt. More importantly I have alot of love for her. She will talk to me via phone or text but doest want to meet for coffee or anything. I really need help here. I know I dont deserve another chance and I dont mean to beg but I am going too. She means the world to me. I can feel her pain and suffering, I can feel how much I hurt her. I need your guidance on what to do and how to win her back....

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you are young you willl get over it. Like you said hopefully you will learn from your mistake next time meaning if you feel the need to flirt or talk to another girl maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship in the first or at the very least sit down and talk with the girl you are dating. But seriously you didn't love her. You may care for her or have love for her but it wasn't "true love". Trust me. Both of you are better off.
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Im single and he's seeing someone else