Need help with disappearing/reappearing Gemini man

You’re not the only one.
He’s lying. I’m sorry. That’s what I gather.
Because you are absolutely right, if the sex is good and the woman is a good woman, and he’s soooo in love, he’d take her off the market, and he certainly wouldn’t be inconsistent would he?
You’re not the only one, but because you’ve already expressed you don’t want fwb he’s being a man thinking he’ll sell you a dream in order to keep getting what he wants. “Sex on call- and a good timeâ€. If he has to tell you he loves you and make you feel special with words every now and then to get it, then so be it.
If it were more he’d take you out and actually put in the time outside the bedroom. Anytime you find yourself only seeing a man is when you have one foot out the door, or when he’s blowing your back out that means he’s full of shit and doesn’t want anything serious. Trust your intuition God gave it to women for a reason. It’s okay.

You said be blunt so I hope this helped.