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Posted by christinelovessnickersPosted by aquarius09
It's an incredibly selfish thing to do. People do this when they're afraid of being alone, so they have a user mentality thinking "you'll do until someone better comes along." I have never strung anyone along because I wouldn't want this done to me.
I wonder if someone has strung someone along and once it needed realized the person was actually worth the time.click to expand
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Sorry, that's the imagery I get whenever I hear people use that line haha.
"You don't know me!"
*pictures white trash whore on Jerry*
Posted by christinelovessnickers
^^^do you think the longer you strung him along the harder it was on him? I don't remember the rest of the questiom, sorry lol
Posted by MsTeeq1974Posted by christinelovessnickersPosted by aquarius09
It's an incredibly selfish thing to do. People do this when they're afraid of being alone, so they have a user mentality thinking "you'll do until someone better comes along." I have never strung anyone along because I wouldn't want this done to me.
I wonder if someone has strung someone along and once it needed realized the person was actually worth the time.
I can't recall that ever happening....oh yes! The Cap Sun, Venus in Scorp. Ouch. I did do that to him, but when I came clean, I ate A LOT of humble pie. Then he did it to me, twice. Lol...the last two years have been with us consistently staying in touch and hooking up when I'm single. I swear to heaven that I better not end up with that man....five years of the BS? If that's the case, we could have just cut to the chase and did the damn thing. LMBO!!!click to expand
Posted by Sugarfoot
See that's what happens when I don't balance out the bad stuff I say with some good stuff. Good stuff totally outweighs the bad. Aquas are the only signs I can totally be myself with. When I get going on my conspiracy theory shiz, you guys are the only ones who don't look at me like I've gone totally nutso. I have an Aqua client coming in this week who's my conspiracy buddy. Not only is he interested in what I have to say, he tops my crazy. He's a flat earther! Awesome people and not a dull moment. Loves my Aquas
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