I've been seeing this Cancer for about two years and during this second year he does a lot of disappearing. It first started back in December when he ignored me for two months and my mother died around that time and I couldn't tell him because he wouldn't answer my calls before she passed. When we started talking again he did have a nerve to ask me why I didn't tell him about my mom. He acts like it's ok to disappear, as if nothing happens (When he goes MIA I also go MIA by the way). So last month we were suppose to go out for my birthday and he called and said he had an emergency call at work but I haven't heard from him since. That same week I called him and sent him an angry text but I didn't get a reply. Now it's going on a month and he hasn't tried to contact me. I still love him but refuse to call him. Honestly, I think he's jealous of my male roommate but regardless he should man up and communicate with me even if I was upset about our plans on my birthday. Why do cancers disappear and then reappear ?