Are virgo men usually selfish lovers?

"Train the little bastard, he'll learn"
VG62, women don't want that in a man. If I have to tell you what to do . . you're a lousy lover, no matter how many orgasms.

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Well, Yama, it seems I was wrong, but it seemed to me that you were providing an opportunity for primegen to expound upon his vast array of internet findings. Tongue
Well, isn't that a good thing? Sharing information and all that?
"your reverse sympathy is ed up"
Never heard of that term. How so?
If you had to guess the sign (fictional) of some TV personalities, what would you guess they were? I'm curious whether there will be any congruency.
First starters, what about the characters on Scrubs (Anyone else out there watch it as religiously as I do?)
And for a more common TV show (well at least previously common), what about Married with Children? Buck is definitely a Virgo (having been the most rational among everyone!).

it surely can be, sonny.
So apparently Pluto is no longer defined as a planet. "For now, membership will be restricted to the eight "classical" planets in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune." Any ideas on how this will affect astrology?
Yeah, I thought you were still pissed about the argument.Tongue
My experience has been just the opposite, Cookie. Get along with Libras pretty well, kind of laid back folks. But never know quite where Geminis are coming from.
I was never pissed about the argument, DUH.
Ok, fine, it's apparent that you don't want to talk. Got it.
I am not impinging on your environment. But please don't propose to say you understand me better than I do.
And I smile a lot, I am not taunting you with that smile Look in the mirror as well, sagt.