Gemini Ex BF and I had a huge fight - He made a mountain out of a molehill

Dating this gemini guy for almost 3 years. Then I found out that he went on a trip with a platonic girl friend - which is a huge taboo in their culture. I asked him how come he didn't tell me when I was with him just the night before his trip. I have nothing against him going on trip even with a girll, what really annoyed me is when he took it against me when I told him that it's a taboo in their culture. And the fact that he didn't tell me right away. Guy unfriended me in Facebook. I tried to apologize but he blocked my calls and said he doesn't want to deal with me anymore because he finds me threatening. He thinks every time I raise something to him, he considers it as a threat.

He said the girl is not his girl friend and that the girl knew about me... so why on earth would he hide the travel from me?

I know Geminis can be stubborn and I find it annoying how this quarrel blew out of proportion. I don't even know if we'll be able to fix this. Fight has been going on for weeks, he won't nudge. He knows he is wrong so why take it against me and reverse it in such a way that he makes it appear I'm the one who is wrong.