How does a Virgo girl feel when she finds out that she was a cause of a couple breaking up?

This topic tells a different story though. You go at lengths about how you lost your shit over him going on a trip with a platonic friend. You know that was wrong of you to do, because you said it.

Then you say he told you he wanted to break up for a long time already.

So, maybe the chick had nothing to do with it and he found you insufferable to deal with. But you can't accept that, can you? Libra's all about the light.

Then you're going on about how you are going to make him pay for it, cuz roooarrrr you iz libra sun/scorpio moon.

The reality is you are a shitty dramatic person, with or without some other chick in the picture.

But by all means, don't let reality get in the way of stupidity here.