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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
Besides she seems fine with.
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May 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
Wow, moon in pisces.Alright, it doesn't matter, what your sun isgn really is, as long, as your mate's moon sign is a water sign, hands down.
Moon in piscs, is WAAYY more emotional, than sun in pisces.Becuase of the main fact, that the moon rules feelings and emotional needs.So jus make sure, that that moon is in cancer or scorpio, mind you a taurs in moon, can do you jus fine as well
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May 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
Yep!,thats a Saggi guy for you, my friend is JUST like that, they have short term memory loss sometimes
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Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
Wow, very powerful stuff Haffo. Too often we Pisces are accused of being ambiguous, when, as stated above, what we need, crave and obsessively long for are ANSWERS, hence the need for reasons. We always require and necessitate answers even while we?re taking a shit. For instance, if I am sitting on the toilet, and unable to take a sh*t, I would need to know why it's not happening so smoothly. So, I will either, read up on the colon, get a colonic, change my diet, take a laxative, fast, drinks gallons of water, look at my stool floating in the toilet etc. We cleave to this belief that somehow, through empirical analysis we will glean so-called groundbreaking understanding to spur us on to undertake some detective initiative that will solve all the ills of the world.
It?s not surprising for Scorpio to be a part of this equation as November is the 11th month. Eleven is a Master number, the number for Justice in the Tarot.
Not acting on instinct, I wouldn't agree totally, we hesistate to act because we need assurance and affirmation.
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Apr 08, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 918 · Topics: 11
Hello~ Well Im not a pisces but rising is a pisces. However My mother is a Pisces and so is one of my close friends. My mother is married to a Libra and my girlfriend is engaged to a Libra!! What I have noticed is that the Libra men balance the Pisces. And cand handle there emotional/bossy moments with ease. They kinda let it roll right off their chest. The other thing I have noticed is that neither of the woman are very romantical and occasional flower delivery, or dinner and a movie suits them just fine.. Im not sure if this tru for all pisces woman but this is just what I have seen..
I have a a few questions though
would you say that Pisces have addicive personalities (did I spell that right) such as smoking, coffee, computer ect..
would you say that the females often think something is wrong with them physically (like hypochondriac status)
would you say that you are always worried about what everyone else is thinking and get offended easaly?
these are just some of the things that I have noticed and just want to know if you see some of these traits in yourself
thank you
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
i'm soooooooo sad right now - i'm sad cus the man i want to be with is in a differnt country and is unsure bout us n i feel lonely -
ppl say i don't open up and when i do they don't listen to me or understand me - i feel so crappy now - what's happening to me???????
am i in love????? i seem to be upsetting everyone - i hate emotions - i hate ppl that try to bring me down - i hate feeling and i hate talking and opening up to ppl becus it's waste of time - i like being stolid and cold where emotions r concerned and jus carefree and happy with everything else - i'm sick and tired of listening to my loved ones trying to advise me when they don't even try to listen to what makes me happy and what i really want - i'm tired of ppl cristcising me - cus there are soo many things about them that i can cristcise but i jus don't do shit like that - yyyyyyyyyyyy am i feeling like shit today??????????????????????????????????????
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Aug 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 553 · Topics: 17
You've never taken one to a mall or a garage sale, have you? They drag crap home the cat would have left on the curb! lol