Accidentally confused the hell out of this Leo guy

Posted by LeoSunSagMoon
You're welcome! Sorry I just saw this. Have you heard anything from him?

Yeah he replied, but something seems off. The words were to the effect of "Sorry for the delay, I was trying to figure out if I should tell you about all the stuff I have been going through this summer. I'm pissed - not with you, with myself - things are just complicated. Let talk on the weekend or when you are in town."

He told me in the past he had been seeing a therapist, but I didn't ask more and he didn't offer, except I know he was trying to spend more time with his parents, he went to his high school reunion - he wanted to just work on a lot of "cobwebs"as he called them. I think this is actually an amazingly healthy thing, so I didn't really question or probe, just offered support and a sounding board if he should need it.

I mean wow talk about Leos loving drama. Just tell me already! If he's going to tell me there is an ex or an ex he still likes or he isn't over someone or the worst Ã'm not ready for a relationship" - and that is what it sounds like - I am officially going to give myself the green signal to get out and get out quick. You are either into a girl or not - its not that complicated.

Am I wrong to start to suspect something fishy here? He isn't the cheating kind as far as I know or can tell, very much a monogamous type - I've seen him go through 2-3 relationships over the 5-6 years we have known each other.