Not Built For College?

Posted by Magenta_Azure

I didn't read it all but ..This is me seriously. I actually got on academic probation and banned from adding classes because I was doing so poorly. I would say only take on one class until you feel that you're ready.

I would love to simply try one semester with just one course, but I am part of the work-study program which is basically a way to earn financial aid through working a job on campus. In order to be eligible, I need to at least be part-time.

I already had to appeal once because I went into avoidance mode, and I just stopped going to classes. My professors sent me e-mails asking after me, but I just couldn't bring myself to communicate with them. I ended up with a W and two F's. The chemistry class that I am currently doing was one of the F's I got. That meant I had a failing GPA for that semester, and I was no longer eligible to work on campus as part of work-study. I had to write an essay to appeal so that I could continue working.