Posted by Vixen2Posted by tiki33Posted by HellothereAriesx3
His moon is s Capricorn.
Thank you all for your posts. I don't feel alone. I just left everything behind to start my life with him too in a mother state. I don't know anybody, I don't have any friends here. I'm I like the boondocks. Nothing around here. I'm isolated. Gave up my apartment, and school for him. I'm just a mess because of all this.
Go out and meet people, there has to be a social network of some sort where people meet up, Google meet up (insert your city) and see what comes up. Even if you live in the boondocks there should be a city nearby that you can venture to
Join the gym and make it a point to socialize, do some volunteer work, get another job, sign up for dance classes, anything that requires you to be social then do it.
There could be imbalance building up between the 2 of you and because you left your whole life behind to be with him he's feeling the invisible pressure of being your whole life and he's bucking up against that because he still has his whole life intact, he has friends, work, hobbies etc and he's most likely feeling a plethora of emotions about you being there without a support system.
Go out and start creating your own life outside of the relationship and maybe this imbalance will subside. Being an Aries "fire" meeting people should be your strong point.
**waves to tiki33 it's meee
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Posted by GreenteaPosted by LillyPetalPosted by GreenteaPosted by LillyPetal
Black virgos are intriguing because they seem to go against the stereotypical, quintessential "black type." That gives me "nerd vibes." They come off as tight-laced and as goody-two-shoes, and to me that spells "exciting." They seem to be baby-faced - almost as though black virgos are "part white,"?yet they have striking features. They give off this "innocent" vibe and, in a black man, it's especially a total turn-on.
It's hard to explain, but it's what I've noticed. It's like black virgos are just tanned white virgos with the spice that makes black men black, but white virgos have quick wit that is often associated with blacks, so it's like they are light black virgos.
Hispanic virgos are also witty. One Virgo, Hispanic security guard on campus came up to me and told me "not to work too hard or I'll kill myself." I later find out that he was working an 18-hour shift that day =.=. But unlike black and white virgos, he was VERY chatty, divulging personal details about himself I don't he should have. He avoided me for days later after that.
Plus, I have yet to meet a Virgo that didn't look extremely attractive with eyeglasses and, for some reason, black guys in glasse are so sexy to me.
Ya they do give off that nerd vibe. Nerds are HOT!! it's like, let me corrupt you please... talk about atoms while you bang me.
Also notice how they tend to have very good complexion?? Like milk-chocolates tempered to perfection. They are smooth-faced, bright-eyed people. Shave Jack Black, and I BET he has a shiny, smooth, baby-face!
I was with you until you said jack black. He's a gross virgoclick to expand
Posted by P-Angel
to answer your question ... I don't really know.
Asian people have me baffled ...... on one hand, I get a real dorky kind of vibe from them ... then on the other hand, one my best friends (Cancer) says that they eat the best pussy.![]()
So ............................. that's all I know
Posted by GemitatiPosted by aquarius09
OP, the girl is not interested in you. Her reason for going on a date can vary from giving you a chance to see what's out there to simply enjoying your company minus romantic interest.
YOU chose to spend so much money and do all the great things you did. She never told you to do that for her. Somehow you have this expectation/sense of entitlement that she should now reciprocate your feelings. That seems to be cancer male dilemma. I personally find cancer men in my life to be the type to buy someone's affection. I had a cancer guy friend who had a crush on me and after all his persistence I decided to give him a chance and went out with him. I only did it to get him off my back. He did go all out and I felt overwhelmed. After that date I told him that I don't think this is gonna work out and in his emotional outburst he said most of the things you're saying in your OP. Boy, oh, boy, did he go all crazy. He said, "WTF is your problem?! What kinda guy do you want anyways? The one that treats you like shit! I got your flowers and put candles all around! It took time to put candles all around. Who's fucking gonna do that for you? No one's gonna love you like I do" blah blah blah and once he was done I told him "Wow! You were trying to buy my affection...." Anyways after his outburst where his ulterior motive was showing, I didn't feel so bad.
HOW in the world did you planned on getting him OFF your back by going out with you
knowing that he WANT you?click to expand
Posted by BlackMamba
i dont' shower him with gifts, but i am thoughtful of him, for instance i saw a throw that he really loves of mine for $ 10 at Fred Meyer. So i bought it, but i wont' give it to him.
that's just how my mind works, not like i need to give him a gift, but i think of him as a person, meeting his needs, like he needs gloves, and a hat, if i see a good price ill think about buying them, but i wont.
my problem stems from the fact that i took care of my siblings for the last 15 years in terms of "fun' activities, things, movies, coffees, etc it's become a habit to think about people in my life.
it has nothing to do with the Virgo...but i hate that the virgo makes me feel like i have to not be myself...i have to protect myself...
i want to be able to cook a lasagna just cause i want to please my dude without thinking how is he going to fuk this up.
Posted by starlover
Every astrologer I met has been a water sign
Posted by GetMisted
Reports of contact between shooters and over seas counter parts. Shooter believed to be radicalized.
Posted by starloverPosted by firebunny
Men are obviously smarter. Look at how 90% of all world leaders are men.
....and look how fecked up the world is
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something between this
Posted by justagirl
Neither, potato is!
and this
Posted by blackphase
Ummm, do you not all see the state our world is in? We are all fkn idiots. Humans are THE plague! Wildlife takes the win here, our wildlife can adapt to almost anything we throw at them. We destroy their homes, their water and the air they breathe but they still find a way to adapt to to expand
as long as we do not try the same approach as plants and animals follow (to consume and hurt only to the necessary amount), we are the dumbest species. no matter which gender or race or whatever idiotic differentiations we've invented.