Awsome Leos

Posted by SpiceNSugar
Posted by HappyCapper
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Sentimental gifts. Gifts from the heart. Gifts that will remind your friends of special moments shared together or of happy memories. These will be the most cherished gifts.

Yes, this has indeed been appreciated in the past. I am working on something right now for the first guy, but that's going to take at least three to four months to finalize. Think I'll go through old pictures for inspiration for other projects.

Thank you!

Sounds good. Best of luck!
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Thank yousmile

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Lol, no problem, @Imarollin. Nothing beast learning things firsthand. Heh.
Posted by Imarollin
Posted by LillyPetal
The only way I'm sharing is if it's a bunk.

More fuel for me.

I crave closeness. Even froma friend sho has no romantic Interest, I want to be held, and I want to warm up my cold toes in their warm legs.

Strange how cultures are so different Tongue
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No, this isn't cultural. That is just one of many LillyPetal quirks. Don't get it twisted. ^.^
Posted by WhiteChocolate
Posted by Damnata
Posted by WhiteChocolate
That's Damnata with short hair.

Oh to know the other 2 likes on this post...

I think you know at least one.
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I am going to bet on both having a fixed moon or even better, the same moon.

I wonder how many results there are. I don't remember there being too many repeats from the last thread on this, but Dazed and I already got the same result.

Do you guys agree with the results?

@Dazed, I'm ISTJ or INTJ
The idea of anyone warming up their toes near me raises my blood pressure. :p
Posted by BlowMyMind
@Vixen2 you're fine. beautiful, actually.

Lol people on this site are petty and immature.

How old is everyone? 16?

I was awesome at 16.
You need to help others and to be thought of as a generous and kind individual. Often you are taken advantage of and regarded as simply part of the scenery. You work best when handling the work yourself; you do not appreciate a managerial role and tend to be uncomfortable in that position. Friendship is important to you, but it is generated on a personal basis, rarely a professional one. Consequently, family life is very important to you, and is often the most important aspect. Because of a strong sense of propriety however, you will sometimes consider the eccentric behavior of your friends and family as a personal affront. Often you find it difficult to speak up about personal anguish or pain, feeling instead that it is something an individual should bear in silence. Tradition is important to you, and you feel a sense of belonging when operating within the constraints of a predictable routine.

ugh taurus sun.. scorpio the same! Gosh... im struggling in love
I'm not uncomfortable in a manager role, I speak up, eccentric behavior isn't a personal affront, routine is a nightmare.

Tradition...I can go either way.

Family and friends and kindness ftw.
Posted by Andalusia
The link doesn't work on my phone.

Mine either. .. but I'll do it when I get home.

I'm really curious now. o____O