Posted by SirHorns
*Sigh* Hate is a strong word.
The short answer would be: We know life is a fickle bitch, so when dealing with it, we don't play any games.
The long answer:
We're people that grew up too fast, the world of responsibility, consequence, duty and danger colored the world seen by our pure eyes and ravaged the inner sanctuary of our hearts. However, while on the surface this seems cruel and depressing, it's actually a gift in disguise. While most have to grow-up, come to terms with limitations, broken dreams, missed chances and things left undo, Capricorns came out of the gate knowing that limits will always be a constant in the world. Either you find the means and skills overcome them with your drive fueled by your will or you choose to live life subjugated by every failure and every misfortune in life. We thrive off difficulty, the harder the struggle, the sweeter the fruit of victory tastes on our withered lips.
As for control, yes we are controlling. We have high expectations on ourselves and the world at large. When it gets turned on you, there are a few possible motivations for it.
- They see you as an obstacle to be taken down and out of their way.
- They fear you'll fail and want to save you from the humiliating sting of failure.
- They want the best for you and assume they can guide you to your best option.
If you know a Cap that's super controlling, then it's likely they've learned the limitations of their selves and can't cope with the powerlessness they feel toward anyone other than themselves.
If you want a Cap to get off your behind over things, tell them this: "I appreciate your concern over me, you're kind but you don't have to worry. I can handle the consequences from my actions or inactions and grow as well as learn from them. Your advice is valuable, but it feels like you're almost trying to live my life for me."
This is why as we age, he can come to terms with how harsh life was at the start and then beam with pride that we not only survived but thrived.