
Posted by justagirl
How long have you guys been friends?

That can have an immpact- it's this is fairly new it's a tad extreme. If this is someone you have known for years. it would be something that would make my heart swell.

I myself give my close friends grand gifts if i can. I love gifting something that means alot to them.

However that said, yes it's extreme, the better "friendship" approach would have been to get him a certificate to a place so he could purchase his own, since he is just a friend.

We've been friends for long enough that I can do this without blinking. However, I worry how he may take it. He's actually been so helpful in helping me with my actual love interest. Also an aqua *sigh* what can I say, I'm an aqua magnet. Winking

Anyway, I hope he likes it, I bought it with genuine care and thought.