
Posted by Palerio

Precisely because an heirloom can hold more value than a laptop, considering how much you value any gesture coming from the other person, I would find it, not unreasonable, but definitely odd to receive such an expensive gift from someone I'm not romantically involved with.

He would appreciate the two of you going on a hike just as much, that is being there for him too; moreover, he would have bought it himself if he could so the fact you're buying it for him would probably make him feel, and I'm trying to put myself in his shoes, very uncomfortable, it’s like you’re indirectly telling him “you’re not doing great in your life if you can’t afford to buy a laptopâ€, which doesn’t mean he won’t love it. A new piece of equipment or furniture for your new place are usually small things that anyone would like to buy himself that give you an extra boost of confidence, I see them as small achievements.

Besides, I told you a brief version of my adventure just to underline, trust me on this one, that in Australia is way different, not just because you can earn potentially more money (not saying it’s easy but I had the impression you get rewarded if you’re good at something) but because of the mentality many of you have. Aussies are more generous by default and I’m telling you this because I felt more generous myself with people I didn’t even know, I can only imagine what I would have done, in this environment, if they happened to be very good friend of mine too. You breathe, compared to other countries, a different air when you walk down the street, it’s fresh as you rarely feel the rush of the contemporary society even though there might be hundreds of people around you.

It’s a weird feeling.

Now I don’t know about the US but in Europe? You make a survey asking people if they consider that kind of gift appropriate for a friend and probably 90% will tell you “you’re nutsâ€.

It's sad but we're kind of forced to believe generosity doesn't exist.

To be honest, buying someone a Christmas present they need and can make good use of, shouldn't be a problem! It's sad we are so materialistic these days that the price or what it is should matter. That's why I asked. I don't want him getting the wrong impression, but I equally don't care. I guess I just want to be prepared for his possible reaction. If someone did that for me, I'd love it, I understand the spirit of giving. I may feel a little overwhelmed but I'd still appreciate it.

Truth is time waits for no man. His exams are soon and he needs to crack on! The laptop issue is a set back I can help expell so I have! Hope he takes it the right way. Some friendships are deeper and last longer than romantic involvements... I don't need to be fucking you to want to see you mak