RIP Lemmy

Holy shit.

The booze and cigarettes are probably what were keeping him alive--

you don't quit at that late stage.

Related Messages

Posted by Finbuff
Married a capable scorpio...yeah right, more like desperate, ex-convict, drug user. Set stds low, you get low class.

'stds' not the best abbreviation for 'standards' ... at least I hope that is what you were going for.
Posted by LittleStar
I'm not flaky if I care about you.

Sorry i should have added a disclaimer to my troll was 100% Troll!

some are flaky, 2 i have had in my life have been.. LOL
Posted by elllesque
Posted by frostey91 Are all relationships supposed to last forever?

Realistically? No.

But you goats don't even let them unfold naturally.

You have some stop watch timer that goes off telling you...."Time is up!"

What are you afraid of? That you might actually have a successful relationship.....and you won't be able to bitch and moan the rest of your life?

You pessimistic miserly old men! Tongue
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Not one bit

If you got burned by the other person was it meant to be successful?

You are describing Tiger Woods not me...

Virgo makes me picky too but everything is situational
Posted by MoonArtist
Was that too catty of me? Maybe I should try to be more sweet.....but not TOO sweet, because I should be a snob, but NOT the kind of snob who is secure, I should be the kind of snob who is shallow, vapid, and is only focused on money. I should also be a Betty Crocker type of snob. A sweet, Betty Crocker gold digger snob. But since I'm not THAT kind of snob, I'm disgusting. Ok, it's settled, I'm fine with being catty. Big Grin

Making sandwiches is expensive.
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Arielle83
All men, on dxp, are bitter

BAHAHAHA. It was meant to say "beta"

Haha autocorrect.
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I'm not sure that is much of an improvement...poor DXP guyys
Posted by Rambunctious76
Posted by justagirl
None, it's air. it flowwwwwwwwws Tongue


Although if there were a gun to my head forcing me to answer properly, I'd say Aqua.
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But Aqua got demoted today didn't it?
Posted by MarchPisc3s
It's hard for us (Pisces men) to commit. In our minds we look at things as seasonal.

What do you mean by that? Do you enter relationships not expecting them to work?
Posted by frostey91
Posted by Rambunctious76
Posted by justagirl
None, it's air. it flowwwwwwwwws Tongue


Although if there were a gun to my head forcing me to answer properly, I'd say Aqua.

But Aqua got demoted today didn't it?
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Posted by cuteboy
it's a tie between gemini and aquarius. geminis can be stable too much like earth signs. you'd be surprise. more or less the quiet air signs.

O no no no. There can be only one.

Gale or Peeta?

Posted by justagirl
Posted by frostey91
Posted by Rambunctious76
Posted by justagirl
None, it's air. it flowwwwwwwwws Tongue


Although if there were a gun to my head forcing me to answer properly, I'd say Aqua.

But Aqua got demoted today didn't it?

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That was much needed entertainment