
Posted by truecap
Posted by Romancelives
Hi Aquas,

Just a quick question, aimed at the Aqua males in particular. How would you react to getting a state of the art laptop with all the trimmings, from someone deeply into you that you may not be in a relationship with, but have a bond with? Do Aqua translate gifts into bribery, or do they see them as just gifts?
Admittedly, such an expensive gift can make an impact, but would it make a good or bad one on an Aqua?
Asking a Christmas has been upon us and gifts have been exchanged!!!

I'm an aqua mars and that expensive gift would make me extremely uncomfortable. I'd feel like you were bribing me or trying to buy my love. It'd give me an icky feeling.

I don't think aquas put a lot of impact on expensive things. My impression is they'd rather have something meaningful (a.k.a something that represents a private joke or something that comes from the heart) or something cool, inexpensive but exotic/weird/odd.
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Even if the expensive gift means you can now continue with studies and plans for the future?