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Posted by scorpx3Posted by bawlikestogomooPosted by scorpx3
More disappointment. Haha.
I will never disappoint you
Awkward moment when you don't know what to say to a dxp user you've never interacted with...lolclick to expand
Posted by cheekyfaeriePosted by bawlikestogomooPosted by scorpx3
More disappointment. Haha.
I will never disappoint you
I find you delightfully creepy.click to expand
Posted by saweetz1988Posted by fauxfuchsia
are you implying that most venus scorpios have drug addiction
NO NOT AT ALL .. His moon in cap might play a big part.. I just wonder if you chase the one you love or let go of them if you know you are no good for each other in some way but very good in another... do you let them go completely if you know you are no good for them or do you secretly not MOVE ON in the hope of change that one day you will cross path with them again... would seeing your love one happy makes you happy ?...even if its not with you....click to expand
Posted by cheekyfaerie
Anybody else get depressed around the holidays?
I'm in this weird funk and hoping verbalising it will help cut it off at the pass. It's a combo of missing the Christmases of my childhood, knowing I'll never be able to replicate them (especially for my Short One) and then feeling as tho I've failed as a parent.
And I'm not talking monetary stuff here, although I do think everyone I know is working harder than ever, with less to show for it. I'm talking the big, family Christmas. When I was a kid and my gran was alive, the whoooole family converged on our place. Now, even when I can get off to go back home, it's not the same.
I get sad neither of mine will ever experience that. I get sad we lived closer to my family when the Tall One was a kid and now, my Shorty must feel so isolated. I feel sad that I often have to choose between the money to do things with them and the time to enjoy it.
I also know this is small change compared to so many other people's problems. A friend once told me, if we all threw our problems in a pile and we could see what others around us were dealing with, we'd pick our own problems back out of the pile. She's right, of course. And I'm probably doing a fair bit of projecting.
Anyway, I've just let it get me down for a moment and I don't want it to get the better of me. Anybody else feelin gloomy?
Posted by Season
My Venus is in Pisces, and I look like a Pisces all large eyed and kind of in a dream world and I love like a Pisces sort of, I'm such an empath people would take terrible advantage of me if I let 'em. I adore animals and have frequently adopted strays.
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