Venus is Cancer folks how do you "crab walk' when it comes to love?

Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by Moonbutter Yeah, he knows...He has a complicated life and does not wish to bring a GF into the drama. We've been friends about 7 years so maybe it's just a loooong courtship with several 'non'dates, revealing personal/intimat

Have you ever just had a direct convo with him about this, you seem to be really into him. I don't see any harm in talking to him.
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Not really... I'm thinking at this point we will just be good friends I'm kinda over it. I don't fit in with his life and I want to make a life with someone that I fit in. Maybe talking with you guys is helping me to understand my feelings for him, what they are/are not. I love him(as a friend) I'm not in love with him. I was sincerely pushing him to be with a girl he said he liked and really meant it because I wanted to see him happy...that's friend love, not in love, right?