Venus is Cancer folks how do you "crab walk' when it comes to love?

Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by MissGemmi
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by MissGemmi
Gemini with Cancer Venus
Completely direct at first, spontaneous, romantic. Then I hide if the feelings are not reciprocated. I will then completely disappear/shy away not able to face the person again. I will work myself up to let the other person go, quietly. It's all or nothing. 

I sidewalk if I start to feel insecure. Sidewalking for me means the beginning of the end.

Oh, so if you let the other person go in your heart but they are still in your life, can they ever be back in your heart?

Yes, but Ill never be the same person as I was in the beginning. Careless with my love. I will never ever take that risk again with someone who has 'tossed' my sincere interest, love and attention aside. With a cancer Venus we remember hurt love. We give one forceful kind of love which Costs us a lot of energy. If this energy doesn't get fueled we get exhausted. More than anyone we need that love so bad. We give/show you what we ourselves need. If you fail to recognize it the first time we will understand that youre not able to give us what we need...

Fair enough, and what if you weren't giving your all? holding back...would you still have the same expectation?
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No. If a Venus in Cancer feels love for someone, we are going to go all the way, we will put you over everyone else. That's it.