Venus is Cancer folks how do you "crab walk' when it comes to love?

Posted by MissGemmi
Holding back in only when we sense you're not taking us serious. Unfortunately, we sense and know EVERYTHING when it comes to love and matters of the heart especially when we get to know you better. A little small move from you to another direction than we have planned; then look at us moving away from you in matters of the heart. Not in a matter of being polite, friendly, friends we will keep you there.

As a Gemini with Cancer Venus I love all the way no holding back. Holding back means you ' ve showed us something not trust worthy when it comes to giving and receiving our love. We're kind of VERY VERY VERY serious in love. That is why it's hard for a Gemini to have a cancer Venus. We get all caught up when it gets intense, so either you g Ive in or let us go and be over it so that we can be our busy rational chatty selves again. That's what we do bestsmile

OMG! You're really blowing my mind, every word you say matches with my thoughts. I have never had someone verbalize those Venus in Cancer feelings soooo well!

This is the absolute truth of how we feel, I admit to all of it.

We hold back when we have been disappointed and it's probably hard for us to feel that level of love again if we have been disappointed. It's always there in the back of our mind after that.

It's very hard for Venus in Cancer to find real love because of how much we give and also how much we expect, most people just fail.