My Lost Love

Posted by RumiLove
Posted by starwars
Posted by Impulsv
Agh that's beautiful
I truly believe every single thing that happens in your life is to preparing for the moment that is to come .




Green tea, embrace what's in front of you and within you.
Bless you.
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Thank you Rumilove, I'm truly lucky to have experienced this kind of love from two wonderful men. I am so in love with the Scorpio, I can't even begin to explain. He's my future husband. I feel it in my heart, my bones even. Lol

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a blowjob and a packet of tim tams.

oh and socks...
Posted by busyeyes88
Posted by AgentP911
You still chasing him Saweets????

I was just about to ask the same question....

This is where a taurus "obsession " with something or someone can get out of control... And once again, it's a scorp placement!!!!
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Ha! You love us Scorps really. Stop denying it...
I feel like ppl don't really read all I write
I don't 'chase' anymore. I'm too old for that shit these days. That's been a long time coming so it's still a new concept. Perhaps I mean 'I no longer put more effort in than the other person is putting in'rather than chase but it's pretty much the same thing. I don't mind doing the first initiate if I have to. Let them know I'm interested. After that if they haven't picked up the bait or cottoned on then I move on, quickly, to the next one. There's always another one round the corner.

I've taken a leaf out the Taurus book and I'm more contented to sit on my arse more these days and be reactive and receptive. It's just less work!

These dudes who want you to chase or who don't put the effort in and who want it all gift wrapped on a plate for free are just tiring and not worth it. I don't mean that arrogantly but if what you put it isn't worth what you get out then what's the point? You wouldn't want to invest your money into something only to have half of it returned, would you?
If someone were to have me sign a prenup I would think they didn't trust me and therefore would start to not trust them so much and would wonder what they are hiding and wouldn't marry them, as I am quite amicable when it comes to a break up.

The only situation I would entertain the idea of taking someone for all they had was if they hurt me in a big way, like cheating on me. Cheat on me and I will bring you pain, and a lot of it.
Obama has already deported way more people then Bush. Fact.

I'm interested to see the details of the bill though...

I'm a female Leo.
I work where there are a lot of "temporary" staff, let's put it that way. Around August, I was sitting in the break room and noticed a guy staring at me from across the room. I smiled, he smiled back, I looked away, looked back, he was still staring. For about 3-4 months, I'd see him often and always the same deal, staring, no talking, smiling. That's it.
One time after I said "hi" to him a few times, he came and sat by me, he looked over and I introduced myself. We started talking, casually. We have a bar at our workplace, open after hours, and he would come over, we'd have a chat and that was it. Only, every time he was in control. He'd drop some line that would make me think "wait, what does he mean? Is he flirting?" and then walk away with a cunning smile.
One night, the chat "escalated quickly". We started talking sex. As I asked if he was coming to our dress up work Christmas party, and since he said no, once he heard I was going to wear a corset, he begged me to show him pictures after. He literally lost control during that conversation. That weekend he also knew I wanted his advice, and stayed out late with me one night to help me out and was a good friend, but when we were surrounded by other people, despite sitting just opposite me, he still stared at me, as he used to. I was looking away and I could feel him staring cos he was just there... it was weird, but at the same time, very attractive. smile
The next time I saw him after the party was almost two weeks later, we bumped into each other in the hallway and he immediately said "how was the party?" and asked if there are pictures. I expected him to come over to me at the bar that night to ask to see them, but he ended up staying with his friends and never approached. The next day in the hallway again, he put his arm around me and mentioned again he wants to see them after we had a casual flirty chat. I mentioned this isn't the place and he should come to me at the bar at night.
But again he didn't. I feel like perhaps he didn't want to approach me when his friends were around cos he stopped just as the flirtation got more "serious". Yet he'd still wait for me when he saw me at the end of the hallway, because there it's just us at least for a few seconds..

Eventually, I showed him the pictures in the hallway, just of me in the corset, as I enjoyed the compliments and attention and frankly, anyone at the party saw me anyway lol we were interrupted though by a friend of his walking past.
I mentioned to him that I'm only showing him the pictures that aren't that "risque" since the other ones could only come out after a few glasses of wine..

Honestly, I don't want a relationship with him, but I am very attracted to him and was hoping to make a move. He hasn't been as approaching for a while now and we don't always bump into each other in the hallway.. so I worry I gave him what he wanted and that's that (surely a pic of a corset can't be it?!).

For some reason you can't see the end but I just asked..
What could I do now? smile as I'm not really sure even if it's going to keep going or not, but I'm bound to see him again (and have time to keep trying til he finishes at the building around February).
I found the perfect summary that reasonates with me, I can't put it better myself. Obviousely SPOILERS ahead.

The impotence of evil

Karl killing Doyle isn't vengeance or even entirely to protect Linda and Frank from harm - it's a sacrifice. He knows someone's going to have to kill Doyle sooner or later and he does it himself to spare others the necessity. When he says goodbye to Vaughn he says that although the bible says two men ought not lie together, he doesn't believe God would send him to Hades for THAT. What he's alluding to is that if he does nothing and it falls to Vaughn to kill Doyle, it would mean Vaughn's soul - and since his own is already lost for killing his mother, he takes it upon himself. 

Like everyone else in the story he's spent his lifetime being bullied. He's presented as Christ-like with his piety, his suffering, etc. (his books are the Bible, one on Christmas, ans some carpentry books) and so on. Back at the asylum, there's JT Walsh whispering obscenities to him again, the devil at his ear. Finally he has the confidence to dismiss him and warn him to never speak to him again. And like that the devil is dispelled. Karl's smile at the end is the realization not only that Linda, Vaughn, and Frank will be safe, but that when Edmund Burke said: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.", the corollary is that if good men do take action, evil has no power.Â