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Dec 11, 2015Comments: 15 · Posts: 2521 · Topics: 107
I think Romeo could've been an Aries and Juliet was a probably Cancer or Libra.
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Jan 31, 2015Comments: 1573 · Posts: 6705 · Topics: 16
Ascendant - Saturn decan
Sun - moon decan
Moon - Mercury decan
Mercury - Jupiter decan
Venus - Neptune decan
Mars - Uranus decan
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Jun 19, 2014Comments: 161 · Posts: 1869 · Topics: 31
It depends on your flavor...
Punny or self depreciating, but their humor comes always the timing because it's unexpected -Cap
Outlandish or down right funny Sag
Crude , so crude it's funny they think it's funny Scorpio.
Sharp observation due and creativity due to Mercury Virgo
Leos because they live laughter in general
Pisces are kooky funny
Aries like fun too like other fire signs
Sag ,Cap, and Virgo--- I want hilarious not just funny. Those three are masters of sarcasm .
I'm so good at sarcasm many can't tell when I'm being serious because I keep the same tone of voice and demeanor even when I say something outlandish.
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Dec 01, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 3848 · Topics: 46
This makes me wonder how many people are on dxp to pass the time so they won't contact the male/female they're trying to get over......
Or is dxp not helping you get over this person bc people talk about relationships and past loves so much.....
as promise to publish this prayer and claiming that my prayer will be granted
Shoulder Wound of Christ - For: This prayer is said for 3 days, but
in desperate need it can be said once and published immediately
Oh loving Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I a miserable sinner, salute and
worship the most sacred wound of Thy shoulder, on which Thou didst
bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid bare Thy
bones as to inflict on Thee an anguish greater than any other wound
of Thy blessed body. I adore Thee, O Jesus most sorrowful. I praise
and glorify Thee, and give Thee thanks for this most sacred and
painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the
crushing burden of Thy heavy cross to be merciful to me a sinner, to
forgive me all of my mortal and venial sins, and to lead me on
towards Heaven along the Way of Thy cross. In Jesus' name (make
request) Amen to all. -J.H
This powerful prayer must be said for requests and help. After you
have said it you must publish it.
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Dec 11, 2015Comments: 15 · Posts: 2521 · Topics: 107
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
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Jul 25, 2015Comments: 609 · Posts: 1982 · Topics: 53
I like Leo moons. They're entertaining and funny