Cap Guys anything but typical.
I've got to agree with you on this one. And I think you hit the nail on the head on helping me understand why I can't let go of this Cap Man (even if he disappears). Because I'm grateful for him.
Because he's helped me be a stronger woman. I am more independent, and more confident in my career and in other aspects of my life. I've quit my job (I was there 3 years and it was my comfort zone) to persue my dreams. I'm back at school to finish my MS...and I'm on my way to achieving my dreams.
MyCap- I'm happy for you too. I on the other hand have good friends that have always watched out for me. They think my cap's disappearing acts, and avoidance of questions are clear signs that there is another woman. I've asked him...and he states that its his work. I believe him, my friends don't.

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i want me a shot of tequila right now! i mean 2 shots or maybe 3 etc etc etc
thanx agent006 for the long response iy got chu.anyway how is she flaky well you read the post right she's flaky because one day she's all in my @ $ $ calling me wanting to chill and the next she's as cold as ice.yeah get!!!!!!I mean don't get me wrong I have my momoents when i don;t want to bet bothered but that when im going through my own ish.Other wise im pretty much cool.BUT its all good I just know to leave her @ $ $ alone.Thanx to everyone else whom also responded!!!!!
well it is friday!!! and i am ready to get my drink on..hee hee. You know I live in atlanta..we get started early here.
because i was invited by a friend.
opinion: while it may serve the same purpose as an email address, for contacts and such and keeping in touch... its more personalized. i like adding my own touch to it. i like being creative (writing) in it. for some odd reason, being 'in' my page gets my creative juices flowing and i can take my ideas and leave them there or anywhere else. plus, it's right there in the internet with all the internets resources. you can wince about that fact as well, but im not concerned... i'm not actually 'up there' ...just a few things that i choose to put 'up there' to share with my friends and their friends. it's not like i need to be worried about a myspace stalker ...thats just silly.
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yo thanx for the responses my fellow leo sisters and my virgo neighbor!smile!but she's done with im too nice for that ish.she'll call again and when she does she gonna have a rude awakening
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your pisces moon would indicate that you should have little to no problem getting along with another water sign. wow gemini sun with pisces moon usually means (quadruple personalities) LOL is this true? Would you say that you can be rather indecisive and moody?
if their pisces moon is somewhat dominant, it can work. I'm a cancer with a rising scorpio and a gemini moon. I get along with gemini's extremely well, althuogh I rarely see them as datable because they seem a bit fickle to me when it comes to what I want in a person to share a deep relationship with. I agree with cancimini that they are easy to talk to...I have the best conversation with geminis (along with virgos)

Boyfriends little sister made me do it!I just chit chat with my personal life friends there so yeah,theres only like 9 people including that tom dude as a just in case thing that he may be useful.The bf sister girl was in germany up until just the last month so it was more for having me reply to her more often since I almost never check my e-mails:S