To whom it may concern....

as much as it sounds like a joke, I think same sex romance could pretty well be the future.

I've had a lifetime of romances, passions, more-or-less-licit affairs, and even marriage and what all that taught me is that having a satisfying emotional relationship with a woman is pretty much impossible. The two genders are too different. There is always some shit, some incomprehensions, some mood swings or some thing about the woman thinking of herself as a valuable item rather than a responsible person.

I think platonic same sex romance and heterosexual sex give the best of both worlds.
Well i know most guys would have a problem with same sex romance, but having been a narcissistic pretty boy for most of my youth, I've had a lot of crushes and I think this would have been the best for me at least.

I wouldn't use an app though, that's too vulgar and mercantile. Where's the poetry?