More misogyny from a gay guy

I don't know if it's because you're a libra that you're full of shit, but thanks for trying to be nice I guess....

I'm angry but not at women........I've had my fair share of "straight" guys for the sex and the novelty wore off really quick, yes I've been rejected and left for girls in the past and that's completely fine, sure the first guy I lost my virginity left me for a girl and it hurt but I got over it...for that though I am not angry and I could care less what a straight man does with his penis.

we live in polarised world where it's women and men striving for power and gay people just want to be considered equal. We've been mediators in relationships, go to people when either side has been down, we've been beaten and denied our rights when our novelty wears off we're put on the back burner, we are good enough to fight your wars, cure your sick, defend and trail you in court.

We now have to deal with straight people "coming out" as gender fluid, non binary, bisexual, pan sexual pretty much a big gay spectrum of non genuine, attention seeking whores who feel safe to come out of the shadows and slap a label on their heads without paying homage to the faggots that paved the way,

For this I'm not angry, I'm angry because there's a self righteous, vegan, non binary, feminist, bogan called Gemila on Facebook who gets my goat every time she posts something on facebook, who is so interwoven in my theatre family that if I went off at her on Facebook I'd probably never be able to work in theatre again which is why I'm here spitting hate on dxpnet, capiche? All good!